
A Landlord?

Paying Land Rates in Kenya

Paying Online

Today the process of payment of land rates in Kenya has become very simple and easy. The main reason behind this fact is that you can now pay your land rates in the online mode. Maximum population of the country are now making the payment of their land rate at the comfort of their offices or from their home. The only thing is that the tax payer needs to know how to pay the land rates in Kenya online.
  1. Open the browser and visit ecitizen then sign in or sign up to your registered account. Click on the ministry of Land and Urban housing development to click on the land search.
  2. Then just enter your land title number, fill the online form and then submit it. Confirm the details that have been entered and then proceed for making the payment.
  3. Once the payment has been confirmed then you will have the option of printing the results.

Payment Through Nairobi County Office

  • Payment of land rates in Kenya through Nairobi Cash County office This method is by far the oldest technique to pay the land rates in Kenya. Payment of land rates through cash county office is used even today to pay the land rates in Kenya.

Payment through Bank Deposit

  • Land rates payment in Kenya through Bank Deposit Land rate payments can be done at any co-operation bank. One thing must be kept in mind that you must have valid account details and bank account in your name. The account name is needed to be used in Nairobi City county revenue account for making your payment

Are you a Landlord? Monitor your land rates payments with ease.

ePayRent makes it easy for you as a landlord to receive your rent in multiple methods to your account. It also allows your tenants to pay your rent in bits and thus reducing chances of late or delayed payments by tenants. In Addition, we have a module that enables you to monitor your land rate payments and autoreminds you when they are due.


Login to EPayRent

Set up your Land rates from the EPayRent Portal for your properties.


Track your Due Rates

EPayRent will autoremind you when your land rates are due and also give you the due amounts


Monitor your Land rate payments

Monitor your Land rate payments from our intuitive interfaces and generate reports at anytime


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